An accomplice of feral cats

Another import by the agricultural industry, Osteopilus septentrionalis. which by preying on native Amphibia and Anolis carolinensis (among other prey), aids feral felines in dramatically reducing or eradicating populations of Florida wildlife. Another negative connotation to the introduction and spread of this species: its secretions prevent natural predation by Florida wildlife. If encountered by you or children, be sure to wash the hands and other exposed areas thoroughly, and do not touch the face. The secretions from this frog irritate the mucous membranes in order to prevent predation. Introduction of this non-native frog's secretions to the mucous membranes causes itching, burning sensations and in some individuals, pain-like symptoms. Websites such as the National Wildlife Federation don't seem to realize that their range is much farther north than Sarasota. As the largest frog introduced to North America, this Osteopilus septentrionalis could spell disaster for every small herpetofauna, arthropod, and avian species it encounters on the North American continent.

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